Iowa State Microsoft For Mac

Course Goal

  1. Iowa State University Economics
  2. Iowa State Microsoft For Mac Windows 10
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  6. Iowa State Microsoft For Mac Free

Iowa State University Economics

This course is an introduction to computer programming for non-majors using Visual Basic. Students will learn fundamentals of good programming and algorithm development, and how to design graphical user interfaces. This course is a prerequisite for Com S 108, which teaches advanced Visual Basic programming. Explanation of course content is aimed toward students who have little or no prior programming experience.

Course content

Com S 107 is a one-semester on-line basic programming course. There are no class meetings; this course will provide all information on-line. That includes lectures, assignments, programs, instructor interaction, quizzes and exams, submitting/reviewing work through the course website in Blackboard. (There will also be real-world office hours available with both instructor and TAs.) Therefore students can learn anytime according to the student’s schedule and anywhere from any personal computer with Internet connectivity. This type of approach requires that the student be capable of “self-learning,” and be able to structure their time with limited supervision, to allow adequate time for the programming assignments.


Note for possible Com S majors: If you are thinking of becoming a Computer Science major, you should seriously consider taking Com S 104 instead of, or in addition to, Com S 107, to prepare yourself for more advanced Com S courses. As of 2014-2015, Com S 107 is not a prerequisite for any other computer science course, except for Com S 108. If you have any questions about this, please talk to the Computer Science Undergraduate Adviser.

There are twelve homework assignments, twelve quizzes, a midterm and a final. One homework and one quiz is due each week, except for exam weeks. The midterm will take place after the first six homeworks and quizzes, and the final will take place at the end of the semester. There are also two review weeks, one before the midterm week and one before Finals Week, in which only optional review material will be assigned. The summer schedule is faster, and (roughly speaking) two homeworks and two quizzes will be due each week.

Title: Microsoft Visual Basic 2012 Reloaded
Author: Diane Zak

  1. Iowa State University Extension and Outreach has created accessibility training for Microsoft Office (including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook and Publisher), Adobe InDesign and Adobe Acrobat Pro DC.
  2. Get Microsoft Edge for iOS and Android. Skip to main content.
  3. Welcome to Iowa's Health Alert Network (HAN) The Iowa Health Alert Network (HAN) system is a secure, web-based communication system. This communication system is a partnership implemented by the Iowa Department of Public Health, Local Public Health Agencies, Hospitals and other agencies.

Download Box Drive to your Windows or Mac for an incredibly simple way to work with all of your files — right from your desktop, taking up very little hard drive space.

Comment about textbook: Available for purchase or rental at the ISU bookstore, and available for purchase at many places on the web. Unless you have a good reason to purchase, it’s cheaper/better to rent the book for the semester. Books like this go out of fashion after a couple years. Do get a copy, though, one way or the other. It’s required. It's also possible to obtain an online ebook version, from companies like


Aaron Sterling
Office: Atanasoff B20 (basement of Computer Science building, in about the center of the hallway)
Office Hours: TBA

Teaching Assistant

Email: TBA
Office: TBA
Office Hours: TBA

Background knowledge requirement

This course requires PC literacy and skills in the Microsoft Windows environment. The terms relevant to Windows system will be used without prior explanation or definition. (If you know how to surf the web, you have sufficient PC literacy to enroll in this course. If use of a web browser is new to you, please consider taking Com S 103 first.)

Iowa State Microsoft For Mac Windows 10

Registration requirement

Students need to register through AccessPlus and must have an active ISU NetID to access Blackboard Learn. All communication throughout the course will be to the student's Iowa State email address (your

Personal computer requirement

You do not need a personal computer to take this course, as you can do all the work in the Com S computer labs. The Com S Computer Labs are located in the basement of Pearson Hall, they contain all software needed for this course, and anyone with a currently-active IASTATE computer account can use the computers there. For more information on computer labs, click this link:

Students using their own computer must have installed on their machine: Microsoft Windows 7 or 8 and Microsoft Visual Basic 2012, or Visual Basic 2013. (If you own a Mac, you can either install Visual Basic on your Mac, which can be annoying, or you can use the “remote desktop” service to log in from a distance to a computer in the Com S computer labs. You can find details in the “Note for Mac Users” on the course Blackboard page.) Any modern web browser should work for this class—the streaming lectures are in a format that can be played back on both desktop computers and mobile devices. Students are also required to have a speaker attached to the computer or a set of earphones in order to listen to the streaming lectures each week. Finally, students must have a high speed Internet connection. (If your connection is fast enough for YouTube, it’s fast enough for this course.)

Note regarding software: Any version of Microsoft Visual Basic 2012 or 2013 is sufficient for this course, including Express, Professional or Ultimate. Express is the only version that is free to the general public, but current ISU students can download premium versions for free by going to the ISU Dreamspark Webstore at Instructor lectures will demonstrate use of either Express or Ultimate.

Class requirements

Students are required to access the ISU Blackboard course web page in order to take the on-line quizzes, to submit the homework assignments, and to become familiar with the material by viewing the streaming lectures and reviewing the PowerPoint slides.

There are 12 programming assignments through the whole semester, approximately one per week. This is an essential part of the course, since learning basic programming is the major objective of the course. This class also requires students to take on-line quizzes each week. Besides that, there are two comprehensive exams in a proctored environment test center on the Iowa State University campus. (Off-campus students may take these exams by setting up an arrangement with an online proctor, authorized by the Online Test Center.)

Both the instructor and the teaching assistants observe on-line and in-person office hours and encourage students to take advantage of this when they have questions and experience programming difficulties.

Homework Submission

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No late work will be accepted. This means no late homework, no late quizzes, and no late exams. (Of course, if you have a legitimate emergency, please contact the instructor, and we will figure something out.) Grades may be appealed within two weeks after they are posted. Grade change requests may be denied after the appeal period has expired.

The homework, quizzes, video lectures, and day-to-day course interaction are administered by the course Instructor. However, there are two exams (a midterm and a final) that are administered by the ELO Testing Center. If you are an on-campus student, you will need to report to a testing center location on the day of the midterm and the day of the final. If you are an off-campus student, you will need to arrange with the Testing Center to take your exams with an online proctor. See the links below for details.

Info for On-Campus Students

Info for Off-Campus Students

Each homework is worth 50 points. Each quiz is worth 15 points. There are twelve of each. The midterm is worth 110 points, and the final is worth 110 points. In all, 1000 points are available, and your letter grade for the course is determined by how many points you earn out of the 1000 possible points. See the tables below.

Points Available
Total Available1000
Grading Policy

Letter Grade

Access Click next if prompted to do so. Finally, click Install and allow the program to run.



Fbelow 600

Iowa State Chemistry

Academic Honesty

This class will follow Iowa State University's policy on academic dishonesty. Please do your own work, and do not share programming code with another student, ever, until at least three days after the due date of a homework assignment. Anyone submitting solutions that are too similar to that of other students or online sources will be suspected of academic dishonesty, and will be reported to the Dean of Students Office.

Disability Accommodation

Iowa State University complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Sect 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. If you have a disability and anticipate needing accommodations in this course, please contact the Com S 107 Instructor to set up a meeting within the first two weeks of the semester or as soon as you become aware of your need. Before meeting with the Com S 107 Instructor, you will need to obtain a SAAR form with recommendations for accommodations from the Disability Resources Office, located in Room 1076 on the main floor of the Student Services Building. Their telephone number is 515-294-7220 or email . Retroactive requests for accommodations will not be honored. Microsoft office account.

Dead Week
This class follows the Iowa State University Dead Week policy as noted in section 10.6.4 of the Faculty Handbook .

Harassment and Discrimination:
Iowa State University strives to maintain our campus as a place of work and study for faculty, staff, and students that is free of all forms of prohibited discrimination and harassment based upon race, ethnicity, sex (including sexual assault), pregnancy, color, religion, national origin, physical or mental disability, age, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic information, or status as a U.S. veteran. Any student who has concerns about such behavior should contact his/her instructor, Student Assistance at 515-294-1020 or email, or the Office of Equal Opportunity and Compliance at 515-294-7612.

Religious Accommodation:
If an academic or work requirement conflicts with your religious practices and/or observances, you may request reasonable accommodations. Your request must be in writing, and your instructor or supervisor will review the request. You or your instructor may also seek assistance from the Dean of Students Office or the Office of Equal Opportunity and Compliance.

Before starting your install

Download Microsoft For Mac

  • Check to see if Lync is already on your computer. If you're running Office 2013 on your PC or a newer version of Office for Mac 2011, there's a good chance it's installed.
  • Find out if your computer equipment is on ITS CorePlus support. If so, contact the Solution Center (294-4000 or to have Lync automatically pushed to your computer.

Getting started

Here are some tips on using Lync for instant messaging and more.

Iowa State Microsoft For Mac Free


  • Ensure that you have 'admin' rights to your computer. You'll need them for the install.
  • From the 'start' icon, click on 'computer,' then 'map network drive' at the top of the window.
  • Select a drive letter and, in the 'folder' input box, type 'software.iastate.edusoftwareLync' and click 'finish' button.
  • Click through these directories: 'Lync' > 'Install' > 'PC' > 'Lync 2013 with SP1.'
  • To install the software, click 'setup.'
  • To burn a CD image of the software for a later install, go back up to 'Lync 2013 with SP1,' then click 'DVD image' and save the enclosed file.


  • Ensure that you have 'admin' rights to your computer. You'll need them for the install.
  • From your desktop, simultaneously click command+K to access the 'connect to server' window
  • In the server address blank, type 'smb://'
  • The software server icon will appear on your desktop. Click through these directories: 'Lync' > 'Install' > 'Macintosh' > 'Lync 2011 for Mac' > 'files.'
  • To install, drag 'lync_14.0.10_141024.dmg' to your desktop and click it.
  • To burn a CD image of the software for a later install, go back up to 'Lync 2011 for Mac,' click 'CD image' and save the enclosed file.
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