Microsoft Terminal Client Mac

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  5. Microsoft Rdp Client For Mac Os X
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  8. Microsoft Terminal Client Mac Address

适用于:Windows 10、Windows 8.1、Windows Server 2019、Windows Server 2016、Windows Server 2012 R2Applies to: Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2019, Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2012 R2

Microsoft excel mac hotkeys. 你已经在设备(Android、Mac、iOS 或 Windows)上设置了远程桌面客户端,现在可能会有疑问。Now that you've set up the Remote Desktop client on your device (Android, Mac, iOS, or Windows), you may have questions.以下是有关远程桌面客户端的最常见问题的解答。Here are answers to the most commonly asked questions about the Remote Desktop clients.

其中大部分问题适用于所有客户,但有部分客户特定项目。The majority of these questions apply to all of the clients, but there are a few client specific items.

Apr 24, 2007 Download Remote Desktop Connection (Terminal Services Client 6.0) for Windows Server 2003 (KB925876) from Official Microsoft Download Center New Surface Laptop 3 The perfect everyday laptop is now even faster. 2019-6-25  Install the Windows Terminal from the Microsoft Store. This allows you to always be on the latest version when we release new builds with automatic upgrades. This is our preferred method. For users who are unable to install Terminal from the Microsoft Store, Terminal builds can be manually. Microsoft Remote Desktop for Mac 8.0. No review of remote desktop software on Mac would be complete without looking at Microsoft Remote Desktop Manager for Mac. Microsoft RDP for Mac is now called Microsoft Remote Desktop Connection Client for Mac (confusingly also known as RDC for Mac or Remote Desktop for Mac). 2019-12-13  其功能强大,完全免费,搭配 FRP 内网穿透几乎能搞定所有的远控需求。利用「微软远程桌面控制软件」( Microsoft Remote Desktop) 应用,你可在 PC、安卓手机和平板、iPhone / iPad、甚至苹果 Mac 上直接远程连接并控制你的电脑!可完美支持控制 Win10.

如果你还有希望我们回答的其他问题,请在本文的反馈部分留下相关问题。If you have additional questions that you'd like us to answer, leave them as feedback on this article.

设置Setting up

我可以连接到哪些电脑?Which PCs can I connect to?

查看受支持的配置一文,了解有关可以连接到的电脑的信息。Check out the supported configuration article for information about what PCs you can connect to.

如何为远程桌面设置电脑?How do I set up a PC for Remote Desktop?

我设置了设备,但我认为电脑尚未准备就绪。I have my device set up, but I don't think the PC's ready.能帮帮我吗?Help?

首先,你是否看到过“远程桌面设置”向导?First, have you seen the Remote Desktop Setup Wizard?它将指导你帮助电脑为远程访问做好准备。It walks you through getting your PC ready for remote access.在电脑上下载并运行该工具以完成所有设置。Download and run that tool on your PC to get everything set.

或者,如果你更喜欢手动操作,请继续阅读。Otherwise, if you prefer to do things manually, read on.

对于 Windows 10,请执行以下操作:For Windows 10, do the following:

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  1. 在想要连接到的设备上,打开“设置” 。On the device you want to connect to, open Settings.
  2. 依次选择“系统”和“远程桌面” 。Select System and then Remote Desktop.
  3. 使用滑块启用远程桌面。Use the slider to enable Remote Desktop.
  4. 一般情况下,最好让电脑保持唤醒和可检测到的状态,以便于连接。In general, it's best to keep the PC awake and discoverable to facilitate connections.单击“显示设置”以转到电脑的电源设置,可在此处更改此设置 。Click Show settings to go to the power settings for your PC, where you can change this setting.


    无法连接到处于睡眠或休眠状态的电脑,因此请确保远程电脑上的睡眠和休眠设置设为“从不” 。You can't connect to a PC that's asleep or hibernating, so make sure the settings for sleep and hibernation on the remote PC are set to Never.(并非所有电脑都提供休眠模式。)(Hibernation isn't available on all PCs.)

记下“如何连接到此电脑”下此电脑的名称 。Make note of the name of this PC under How to connect to this PC.需要用它来配置客户端。You'll need this to configure the clients.

可以授予特定用户访问此电脑的权限 - 为此,请单击“选择可以远程访问此电脑的用户” 。You can grant permission for specific users to access this PC - to do that, click Select users that can remotely access this PC.Administrators 组的成员自动拥有访问权限。Members of the Administrators group automatically have access.

对于 Windows 8.1,请按照使用远程桌面连接连接到另一个桌面中的说明允许远程连接。For Windows 8.1, follow the instructions to allow remote connections in Connect to another desktop using Remote Desktop Connections.

连接、网关和网络Connection, gateway, and networks

为什么无法使用远程桌面?Why can't I connect using Remote Desktop?

以下是尝试连接到远程电脑时可能会遇到的常见问题的一些可能解决方案。Here are some possible solutions to common problems you might encounter when trying to connect to a remote PC.如果这些解决方案不起作用,可以在 Microsoft 社区网站上找到更多帮助。If these solutions don't work, you can find more help on the Microsoft Community website.

  • 无法找到远程电脑。The remote PC can't be found.确保拥有正确的电脑名称,然后检查是否正确输入了该名称。Make sure you have the right PC name, and then check to see if you entered that name correctly.如果仍然无法连接,请尝试使用远程电脑的 IP 地址而不是电脑名称。If you still can't connect, try using the IP address of the remote PC instead of the PC name.

  • 网络出现问题。There's a problem with the network.确保具有 Internet 连接。Make sure you have internet connection.

  • 远程桌面端口可能被防火墙阻止。The Remote Desktop port might be blocked by a firewall.如果使用 Windows 防火墙,请按照以下步骤执行操作:If you're using Windows Firewall, follow these steps:

    1. 打开 Windows 防火墙。Open Windows Firewall.

    2. 单击“允许应用或功能通过 Windows 防火墙” 。Click Allow an app or feature through Windows Firewall.

    3. 单击“更改设置” 。Click Change settings.系统可能会要求输入管理员密码或确认选择。You might be asked for an admin password or to confirm your choice.

    4. 在“允许的应用和功能”下,选择“远程桌面”,然后点击或单击“确定” 。Under Allowed apps and features, select Remote Desktop, and then tap or click OK.

      如果使用其他防火墙,请确保远程桌面端口(通常为 3389)已打开。If you're using a different firewall, make sure the port for Remote Desktop (usually 3389) is open.

  • 远程电脑上可能未设置远程连接。Remote connections might not be set up on the remote PC.若要修复此问题,请向上滚动至本主题中的如何为远程桌面设置电脑?这个问题。To fix this, scroll back up to How do I set up a PC for Remote Desktop? question in this topic.

  • 远程电脑可能仅允许连接已设置网络级别身份验证的电脑。The remote PC might only allow PCs to connect that have Network Level Authentication set up.

  • 远程电脑可能已关闭。The remote PC might be turned off.无法连接到处于已关闭、睡眠或休眠状态的电脑,因此请确保远程电脑上的睡眠和休眠设置设为“从不”(并非所有电脑都提供休眠模式) 。You can't connect to a PC that's turned off, asleep, or hibernating, so make sure the settings for sleep and hibernation on the remote PC are set to Never (hibernation isn't available on all PCs.).

为什么找不到或无法连接到我的电脑?Why can't I find or connect to my PC?

检查下列项目:Check the following:

  • 电脑是否已打开并处于唤醒状态?Is the PC on and awake?

  • 是否输入了正确的名称或 IP 地址?Did you enter the right name or IP address?


    使用电脑名称要求网络通过 DNS 正确解析名称。Using the PC name requires your network to resolve the name correctly through DNS.在许多家庭网络中,必须使用 IP 地址(而不是主机名)进行连接。In many home networks, you have to use the IP address instead of the host name to connect.

  • 电脑是否位于不同的网络上?Is the PC on a different network?是否将电脑配置为允许外部连接通过?Did you configure the PC to let outside connections through?查看允许从你的网络外部访问你的电脑以获取帮助。Check out Allow access to your PC from outside your network for help.

  • 是否连接到受支持的 Windows 版本?Are you connecting to a supported Windows version?


    如果没有第三方软件,则不支持 Windows XP 家庭版、Windows 媒体中心版、Windows Vista 家庭版和 Windows 7 家庭版或简易版。Windows XP Home, Windows Media Center Edition, Windows Vista Home and Windows 7 Home or Starter are not supported without 3rd party software.

为什么无法登录到远程电脑?Why can't I sign in to a remote PC?

如果可以看到远程电脑的登录屏幕但无法登录,则可能未被添加到远程桌面用户组或远程电脑上具有管理员权限的任何组。If you can see the sign-in screen of the remote PC but you can't sign in, you might not have been added to the Remote Desktop Users Group or to any group with administrator rights on the remote PC.要求系统管理员对你进行添加。Ask your system admin to do this for you.

公司网络支持哪些连接方法?Which connection methods are supported for company networks?

如果想要从公司网络外部访问办公桌面,则公司必须为你提供远程访问方式。If you want to access your office desktop from outside your company network, your company must provide you with a means of remote access.RD 客户端目前支持以下方式:The RD Client currently supports the following:

  • 终端服务器网关或远程桌面网关Terminal Server Gateway or Remote Desktop Gateway
  • 远程桌面 Web 访问Remote Desktop Web Access
  • VPN(通过 iOS 内置 VPN 选项)VPN (through iOS built-in VPN options)

VPN 无法使用VPN doesn't work

VPN 问题可能有多种原因。VPN issues can have several causes.第一步是验证 VPN 是否在与电脑或 Mac 计算机相同的网络上运行。The first step is to verify that the VPN works on the same network as your PC or Mac computer.如果无法使用电脑或 Mac 进行测试,则可以尝试使用设备的浏览器访问公司 Intranet 网页。If you can't test with a PC or Mac, you can try to access a company intranet web page with your device's browser.

需要检查的其他事项:Other things to check:

  • 3G 网络阻止 VPN 或导致 VPN 损坏。The 3G network blocks or corrupts VPN.全球有多家 3G 提供商似乎会阻止 3G 流量或导致其损坏。There are several 3G providers in the world who seem to block or corrupt 3G traffic.对 VPN 连接是否正常工作进行一分钟以上的验证。Verify VPN connectivity works correctly for over a minute.
  • L2TP 或 PPTP VPN。L2TP or PPTP VPNs.如果在 VPN 中使用 L2TP 或 PPTP,请在 VPN 配置中将“发送所有流量”设置为“开”。If you are using L2TP or PPTP in your VPN, please set Send All Traffic to ON in the VPN configuration.
  • VPN 配置错误。VPN is misconfigured.错误配置的 VPN 服务器可能是 VPN 连接从不工作或在一段时间后停止工作的原因。A misconfigured VPN server can be the reason why the VPN connections never worked or stopped working after some time.如果发生这种情况,请确保使用 iOS 设备的 Web 浏览器或同一网络上的电脑或 Mac 进行测试。Ensure testing with the iOS device's web browser or a PC or Mac on the same network if this happens.

如何测试 VPN 是否正常工作?How can I test if VPN is working properly?

验证设备上是否已启用 VPN。Verify that VPN is enabled on your device.可以通过转到内部网络上的网页或使用仅通过 VPN 提供的 Web 服务来测试 VPN 连接。You can test your VPN connection by going to a webpage on your internal network or using a web service which is only available via the VPN.

如何配置 L2TP 或 PPTP VPN 连接?How do I configure L2TP or PPTP VPN connections?

如果在 VPN 中使用 L2TP 或 PPTP,请确保在 VPN 配置中将“发送所有流量”设置为“开” 。If you are using L2TP or PPTP in your VPN, make sure to set Send all traffic to ON in the VPN configuration.

Web 客户端Web client

我可以使用哪些浏览器?Which browsers can I use?

Web 客户端支持 Microsoft Edge、Internet Explorer 11、Mozilla Firefox(v55.0 及更高版本)、Safari 和 Google Chrome。The web client supports Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer 11, Mozilla Firefox (v55.0 and later), Safari, and Google Chrome.

我可以使用哪些电脑来访问 Web 客户端?What PCs can I use to access the web client?

Web 客户端支持 Windows、macOS、Linux 和 ChromeOS。The web client supports Windows, macOS, Linux, and ChromeOS.目前不支持移动设备。Mobile devices are not supported at this time.

我是否可以在没有网关的远程桌面部署中使用 Web 客户端?Can I use the web client in a Remote Desktop deployment without a gateway?

不能。No.客户端需要远程桌面网关才能连接。The client requires a Remote Desktop Gateway to connect.不知道这意味着什么?Don't know what that means?询问管理员相关信息。Ask your admin about it.

远程桌面 Web 客户端是否会取代远程桌面 Web 访问页面?Does the Remote Desktop web client replace the Remote Desktop Web Access page?

不能。No.远程桌面 Web 客户端在与远程桌面 Web 访问页面不同的 URL 中托管。The Remote Desktop web client is hosted at a different URL than the Remote Desktop Web Access page.可以使用 Web 客户端或 Web 访问页面在浏览器中查看远程资源。You can use either the web client or the Web Access page to view the remote resources in a browser.

是否可以将 Web 客户端嵌入另一个网页?Can I embed the web client in another web page?

目前不支持此功能。This feature is not supported at the moment.

监视器、音频和鼠标Monitors, audio, and mouse

如何使用我的所有监视器?How do I use all of my monitors?

若要使用两个或更多屏幕,请执行以下操作:To use two or more screens, do the following:

  1. 右键单击想要为其启用多个屏幕的远程桌面,然后单击“编辑” 。Right-click the remote desktop that you want to enable multiple screens for, and then click Edit.
  2. 启用“使用所有监视器”和“全屏” 。Enable Use all monitors and Full screen.

是否支持双向声音?Is bi-directional sound supported?

可以在 Windows 客户端中,基于每个连接配置双向声音。Bi-directional sound can be configured in the Windows client on a per-connection basis.可以在“本地资源”选项卡的“远程音频”部分中访问相关设置 。The relevant settings can be accessed in the Remote audio section of the Local Resources options tab.

如果声音无法播放,我该怎么办?What can I do if the sound won't play?

注销会话(不要仅断开连接,应完全注销),然后再次登录。Sign out of the session (don't just disconnect, sign all the way out), and then sign in again.

Mac 客户端 - 硬件问题Mac client - hardware questions

是否支持 Retina 分辨率?Is retina resolution supported?

是,远程桌面客户端支持 Retina 分辨率。Yes, the remote desktop client supports retina resolution.

如何启用辅助右键单击?How do I enable secondary right-click?

Microsoft Terminal Client Mac Os

若要在打开的会话中使用右键单击,你有三个选项:In order to make use of the right-click inside an open session you have three options:

  • 标准电脑双按钮 USB 鼠标Standard PC two button USB mouse
  • Apple Magic Mouse:若要启用右键单击,请单击停靠窗口中的“系统偏好设置”,然后单击“鼠标”,接下来启用“辅助单击” 。Apple Magic Mouse: To enable right-click, click System Preferences in the dock, click Mouse, and then enable Secondary click.
  • Apple Magic Trackpad 或 MacBook 触控板:若要启用右键单击,请单击停靠窗口中的“系统偏好设置”,然后单击“鼠标”,接下来启用“辅助单击” 。Apple Magic Trackpad or MacBook Trackpad: To enable right-click, click System Preferences in the dock, click Mouse, and then enable Secondary click.

是否支持 AirPrint?Is AirPrint supported?

否,远程桌面客户端不支持 AirPrint。No, the Remote Desktop client doesn't support AirPrint.(对于 Mac 和 iOS 客户端同样适用。)(This is true for both Mac and iOS clients.)

为什么会话中会出现错误字符?Why do incorrect characters appear in the session?

如果使用国际键盘,则可能会发现会话中显示的字符与在 Mac 键盘上键入的字符之间存在匹配问题。If you are using an international keyboard, you might see an issue where the characters that appear in the session do match the characters you typed on the Mac keyboard.

以下方案中可能会发生这种情况:This can occur in the following scenarios:

  • 正在使用远程会话无法识别的键盘。You are using a keyboard that the remote session does not recognize.当远程桌面无法识别键盘时,它默认使用远程电脑上次使用的语言。When Remote Desktop doesn't recognize the keyboard, it defaults to the language last used with the remote PC.
  • 正在连接到远程电脑上之前断开连接的会话,并且该远程电脑使用的键盘语言与你当前尝试使用的语言不同。You are connecting to a previously disconnected session on a remote PC and that remote PC uses a different keyboard language than the language you are currently trying to use.

可以通过手动设置远程会话的键盘语言来解决此问题。You can fix this issue by manually setting the keyboard language for the remote session.请参阅下一部分中的相关步骤。See the steps in the next section.

语言设置如何影响远程会话中的键盘?How do language settings affect keyboards in a remote session?

有许多类型的 Mac 键盘布局。There are many types of Mac keyboard layouts.其中一些是 Mac 特定的布局或自定义布局,这些布局在远程登录到的 Windows 版本中可能没有完全匹配项。Some of these are Mac specific layouts or custom layouts for which an exact match may not be available on the version of Windows you are remoting into.远程会话将键盘映射到远程电脑上可用的最佳匹配键盘语言。The remote session maps your keyboard to the best matching keyboard language available on the remote PC.

如果 Mac 键盘布局设置为电脑版本的语言键盘(例如,法语 - 电脑),则所有键应正确映射,且键盘应正常工作。If your Mac keyboard layout is set to the PC version of the language keyboard (for example, French – PC) all your keys should be mapped correctly and your keyboard should just work.

如果 Mac 键盘布局设置为 Mac 版本的键盘(例如,法语),则远程会话会将你映射到电脑版本的法语。If your Mac keyboard layout is set to the Mac version of a keyboard (for example, French) the remote session will map you to the PC version of the French language.在 OSX 上习惯使用的某些 Mac 键盘快捷方式在远程 Windows 会话中无法使用。Some of the Mac keyboard shortcuts you are used to using on OSX will not work in the remote Windows session.

如果键盘布局设置为某种语言的变体(例如,加拿大法语),且如果远程会话无法将你映射到该具体变体,则远程会话会将你映射到最接近的语言(例如,法语)。If your keyboard layout is set to a variation of a language (for example, Canadian-French) and if the remote session cannot map you to that exact variation, the remote session will map you to the closest language (for example, French).在 OSX 上习惯使用的某些 Mac 键盘快捷方式在远程 Windows 会话中无法使用。Some of the Mac keyboard shortcuts you are used to using on OSX will not work in the remote Windows session.

如果键盘布局设置为远程会话完全无法匹配的布局,则远程会话将默认为你提供上次使用该电脑时使用的语言。If your keyboard layout is set to a layout the remote session cannot match at all, your remote session will default to give you the language you last used with that PC.在这种情况下,或在需要更改远程会话的语言以匹配 Mac 键盘的情况下,可以按照以下说明,手动将远程会话中的键盘语言设置为与想要使用的语言最接近的匹配语言。In this case, or in cases where you need to change the language of your remote session to match your Mac keyboard, you can manually set the keyboard language in the remote session to the language that is the closest match to the one you wish to use as follows.

使用以下说明更改远程桌面会话中的键盘布局:Use the following instructions to change the keyboard layout inside the remote desktop session:

Microsoft Terminal Services Client Macos

在 Windows 10 或 Windows 8 上:On Windows 10 or Windows 8:

Microsoft Terminal Client Mac Download

  1. 在远程会话内部打开“区域和语言”。From inside the remote session, open Region and Language.单击“开始”>“设置”>“时间和语言” 。Click Start > Settings > Time and Language.打开“区域和语言” 。Open Region and Language.
  2. 添加想要使用的语言。Add the language you want to use.然后关闭“区域和语言”窗口。Then close the Region and Language window.
  3. 现在,在远程会话中,将能够在语言之间切换。Now, in the remote session, you'll see the ability to switch between languages.(在远程会话的右侧,靠近时钟的位置。)单击想要切换到的语言(例如“英语” )。(In the right side of the remote session, near the clock.) Click the language you want to switch to (such as Eng).

可能需要关闭并重启当前使用的应用程序才能使键盘更改生效。You might need to close and restart the application you are currently using for the keyboard changes to take effect.

特定错误Specific errors

为什么会收到“权限不足”错误?Why do I get an 'Insufficient privileges' error?

你未被允许访问想要连接到的会话。You are not allowed to access the session you want to connect to.最有可能的原因是你正在尝试连接到管理员会话。The most likely cause is that you are trying to connect to an admin session.仅允许管理员连接到控制台。Only administrators are allowed to connect to the console.在远程桌面的高级设置中验证控制台开关是否已关闭。Verify that the console switch is off in the advanced settings of the remote desktop.如果这不是问题的根源,请与系统管理员联系,以获得进一步的帮助。If this is not the source of the problem, please contact your system administrator for further assistance.

为什么客户端表示没有 CAL?Why does the client say that there is no CAL?

当远程桌面客户端连接到远程桌面服务器时,服务器会颁发由客户端存储的远程桌面服务客户端访问许可证 (RDS CAL)。When a remote desktop client connects to a Remote Desktop server, the server issues a Remote Desktop Services Client Access License (RDS CAL) stored by the client.每当客户端再次连接时,服务器都将使用其 RDS CAL,且不会颁发另一个许可证。Whenever the client connects again it will use its RDS CAL and the server will not issue another license.如果设备上的 RDS CAL 丢失或损坏,服务器将颁发另一个许可证。The server will issue another license if the RDS CAL on the device is missing or corrupt.达到许可设备的最大数量时,服务器不会颁发新的 RDS CAL。When the maximum number of licensed devices is reached the server will not issue new RDS CALs.请与网络管理员联系,以获取帮助。Contact your network administrator for assistance.

为什么收到“拒绝访问”错误?Why did I get an 'Access Denied' error?

“拒绝访问”错误由远程桌面网关生成,且它是连接尝试期间凭据不正确导致的结果。The 'Access Denied' error is a generated by the Remote Desktop Gateway and the result of incorrect credentials during the connection attempt.验证用户名和密码。Verify your username and password.如果连接之前正常工作且错误在最近发生,则可能已更改 Windows 用户帐户密码,但尚未在远程桌面设置中对其进行更新。If the connection worked before and the error occurred recently, you possibly changed your Windows user account password and haven't updated it yet in the remote desktop settings.

“RPC 错误 23014”或“错误 0x59e6”意味着什么?What does 'RPC Error 23014' or 'Error 0x59e6' mean?

对于 RPC 错误 23014错误 0x59E6 等待几分钟后重试,其表示 RD 网关服务器已达到最大活动连接数。In case of an RPC error 23014 or Error 0x59E6 try again after waiting a few minutes, the RD Gateway server has reached the maximum number of active connections.根据 RD 网关上运行的 Windows 版本,最大连接数有所不同:Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard 实现将连接数限制为 250。Depending on the Windows version running on the RD Gateway the maximum number of connections differs: The Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard implementation limits the number of connections to 250.Windows Server 2008 R2 Foundation 实现将连接数限制为 50。The Windows Server 2008 R2 Foundation implementation limits the number of connections to 50.所有其他 Windows 实现允许不限数量的连接。All other Windows implementations allow an unlimited number of connections.

“分析 NTLM 质询失败”错误意味着什么?What does the 'Failed to parse NTLM challenge' error mean?

Microsoft Terminal Client Mac Free

此错误由远程电脑上的错误配置引起。This error is caused by a misconfiguration on the remote PC.确保远程电脑上的 RDP 安全级别设置设为“客户端兼容”。Make sure the RDP security level setting on the remote PC is set to 'Client Compatible.'(如果需要帮助,请与系统管理员联系。)(Talk to your system admin if you need help doing this.)

“TS_RAP 不允许连接到给定主机”意味着什么?What does 'TS_RAP You are not allowed to connect to the given host' mean?

当网关服务器上的资源授权策略阻止你的用户名连接到远程电脑时,会发生此错误。This error happens when a Resource Authorization Policy on the gateway server stops your user name from connecting to the remote PC.在以下实例中可能会发生这种情况:This can happen in the following instances:

  • 远程电脑名称与网关名称​​相同。The remote PC name is the same as the name of the gateway.之后,当你尝试连接到远程电脑时,连接将转到你可能无权访问的网关。Then, when you try to connect to the remote PC, the connection goes to the gateway instead, which you probably don't have permission to access.如果需要连接到网关,请不要使用外部网关名称作为电脑名称,If you need to connect to the gateway, do not use the external gateway name as PC name.而是使用“localhost”或 IP 地址 ( 或内部服务器名称。Instead use 'localhost' or the IP address (, or the internal server name.
  • 用户帐户不是远程访问用户组的成员。Your user account isn't a member of the user group for remote access.

Applies to: Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2019, Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2012 R2

You can use a Microsoft Remote Desktop client to connect to a remote PC and your work resources from almost anywhere using just about any device. You can connect to your work PC and have access to all of your apps, files, and network resources as if you were sitting at your desk. You can leave apps open at work and then see those same apps at home - all by using the RD client.

Before you start, make sure you check out the supported configuration article, which discusses the PCs that you can connect to using the Remote Desktop clients. Also check out the client FAQ.

The following client apps are available:

Microsoft Rdp Client For Mac Os X

DeviceGet the appSet up instructions
Windows DesktopWindows Desktop clientGet started with the Windows Desktop client
Windows StoreWindows 10 client in the Microsoft StoreGet started with the Windows Store client
AndroidAndroid client in Google PlayGet started with the Android client
iOSiOS client in the iTunes storeGet started with the iOS client
macOS macOS client in the iTunes storeGet started with the macOS client

Microsoft Rdp Client Mac Download

Configuring the remote PC

To configure your remote PC before accessing it remotely, Allow access to your PC.

Client Mac Addr Dhcp

Remote Desktop client URI scheme

Microsoft Terminal Client Mac Address

You can integrate features of Remote Desktop clients across platforms by enabling a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) scheme. Check out the supported URI attributes that you can use with the iOS, Mac, and Android clients.

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